Saturday, May 29, 2010

What can I do for my country?

Just recently I heard the famous quote “Ask not what your country can do for you… Ask what you can do for your country”. I thought to myself, what an amazing sentiment. So I decided to listen to and read President Kennedy’s inaugural address… I have to say that I was completely stunned at the power of the speech and moved by those words.

President Kennedy knew then that the American government was in trouble. He recognized that there were to many people that were losing out to the few. Today, 50 years later the journey that President Kennedy announced our country would start as yet to begin.

Here we are, 50 years later, still fearing a dangerous enemy, still with a world in turmoil, still with soldiers in foreign lands and still with people in this world struggling against the oppression of tyranny. What do we have to show for our progress over the last 50 years?

President Kennedy spoke of the need to reign in nuclear weapons, and since his death we have built up a nuclear arsenal capable of killing every inhabitant of our world.

50 years ago our President spoke of the need for change. Change within our country and change within the world. Now the word change is thrown around as a political maneuver. Politicians today pay only lip service to ideals that once inspired our nation.

Lets start by stating the obvious. We as a country are stuck in the mud and just spinning our wheels. We are not moving forward. We have not fought for the righteous promises we once so boldly made. We have not fought for ourselves; we have only fought amongst ourselves.

We have divided ourselves into groups that tear us apart. Republican and Democrats. White and Black. Rich and Poor. Every year politicians pledge to work together for a common goal. Every year we get just a glimmer of real hope. And every year we are let down. Every year we try to get ourselves out of the mud and ever year we dig ourselves deeper. And every year that goes by is precious time wasted as our suffering goes on.

This time, we the people must truly put aside our differences. We must realize that lashing out at politicians in anger and frustration will not solve the problem. Blaming past or present leaders for the problems we face does not solve them. We have to come together as citizens of America. As citizens of the world and TALK. LISTEN. We have to find the patience within ourselves to find common ground. We have to find the compassion in ourselves to act quickly, lest more people suffer through poverty and ruin.

Our common ground begins with common sense. We all know left from right and right from wrong. I don’t expect everyone to agree and just get along. But I do hope to find everyone strongly supporting their own views and bringing an intelligent argument to the table. President Kennedy said of foreign relations “Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate.” I hope for a spirited debate on the issue at hand and hope that we will not resort to slander and venomous speech.

I want the future that President Kennedy promised in his speech. I want it not for myself, but for all Americans. I encourage everyone to write your elected officials. Hound your elected representatives and make your voice heard. If your representative does not support your view, either change his or her mind with a solid argument or become active and campaign against them. Individuals can make a difference. Become active in your local politics. Become active in your state politics. Become active in your national politics.

This Memorial Day weekend we remember every soldier who gave “their last full measure of devotion” for the freedom we enjoy today. We have the right to vote. Use it. We have the right to free speech. Use it. Honor those that have fallen by using the rights they died to ensure.

We need a permanent revolution of common sense. We need to look back to when we were told to “Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.” Individuals can make a difference. Find a way to make yours.

1 comment:

  1. What do you think about Transocean earning $270 million due to insurance pay outts? Should BP be fully responsible when their partners in crime included Transocean, Weatherford International, Halliburton, M I- SWACO? Do you really think BP/Obama administration has a feasible clean up plan?

    Nice blog by the way!

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